ASP.NET Pack Programmer's Guide
LayoutBuilder.CreateColumnLayout Method (XAxisRenderer[], Plot2D[], XAxisRenderer[])
See Also

Creates a StackPanel containing the specified plots and axis renderers.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting.WebForms
Package: MindFusion.Charting.WebForms


C#  Copy Code

public StackPanel CreateColumnLayout (
    XAxisRenderer[] top,
    Plot2D[] plots,
    XAxisRenderer[] bottom

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Function CreateColumnLayout( _
    top() As XAxisRenderer, _
    plots() As Plot2D, _
    bottom() As XAxisRenderer _
) As StackPanel



An array of XAxisRenderer components that should be placed at top side of the plot.


An array of Plot2D instances.


An array of XAxisRenderer components that should be placed at bottom side of the plot.

 Return Value

A StackPanel instance.

 See Also

CreateColumnLayout Method Overload List
LayoutBuilder Members
LayoutBuilder Class
MindFusion.Charting.WebForms Namespace